Version: 0.7.0
Show Title Action
The Show Title Action
is an action that shows a title to a player. You can specify the subtitle, and durations if needed.
How could this be used?
This action can be useful in a variety of situations. You can use it to create text effects in response to specific events, such as completing questions or anything else. The possibilities are endless!
InheritedListA list of facts that must be met by the player before this entry can be triggered.
InheritedListA list of facts that will be modified for the player when this entry is triggered.
RequiredColoredPlaceholdersThe title text to show.
Colors and formatting from the
MiniMessage Adventure Api
can be used. So for example, you can use <red>Some Text</red>
for red text.Placeholders from the
can be used. So for example, you can use %player_name%
for the player name.Subtitle
RequiredColoredPlaceholdersThe subtitle text to show.
Colors and formatting from the
MiniMessage Adventure Api
can be used. So for example, you can use <red>Some Text</red>
for red text.Placeholders from the
can be used. So for example, you can use %player_name%
for the player name.Durations
OptionalDuration of the title: Fade in, how long it stays, fade out.