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 Warning: Unmaintained Version
Version: 0.4.2

Superior Skyblock Adapter

The Superior Skyblock Adapter allows you to use the Superior Skyblock plugin with TypeWriter. It includes many events for you to use in your dialogue, as well as a few actions and conditions.

:::caution Untested This adapter is untested. It may not work as expected. Please report any issues you find. :::



Island Bank Deposit ActionDeposit into a player's Island bank
Island Bank Withdraw ActionWithdraw into a player's Island bank
Island Disband ActionDisbands player's island
Island Set Biome ActionSet a player's island's biome
Island Set Border Size ActionSet a player's island's border size
Island Set Member Limit ActionSet a player's island's member limit


Island Create EventWhen a player creates an Island
Island Disband EventWhen a player disbands an Island
Island Invite EventWhen a player is invited to a Skyblock island
Island Join EventWhen a player joins a Skyblock island
Island Upgrade EventWhen a player upgrades their Skyblock island
Mission Complete EventWhen a player completes a mission


Island FactVarious facts about a player's island