Gather Quest
You must have installed the Quest Extension before starting this tutorial.
This tutorial assumes you have already have a understanding of how interactions, facts and quests work.
Secondly it should be noted that this is a very specifc guide and the tutorial will be made per page type.
In this tutorial we will create a quest that requires the player to gather a set of items.
Manifest Page
In the manifest page we will declare the quest and it's objectives.
Creating the quest
First we need to create the quest this can be done by clicking on the + icon in the top right corner of the panel and searching for Add Quest
. Add it to your page by clicking on the + icon.
Configuring the quest
In the quest entry we will set the following fields:
A quest definition
Creating the objective
Next we need to create the objectives for the quest. This can be done by clicking on the + icon in the top right corner of the panel and searching for Add Completable Objective
. Add it to your page by clicking on the + icon.
Configuring the objective
Now we need to configure the objective. For this guide we will be having the objective be that the player needs to collect 64 stone but this can be anything you want.
Please use the following fields below in your objective:
An objective that can show a completed stage
Manifest result
Now your pages should look something like this:
- Tutorial Manifest
- Tutorial Static
This is an interactive graph of all the entries in the selected pages.
You can view different pages by clicking on the tabs. Each page contains a view of the entries in that page.
Click on an entry to view its details.
If you want to display the quest in a sidebar for example please refer to the display quests documentation.
Sequence page
In the sequence page you can define how you would like to start your quest. This can be all sorts of events. For this guide we will be using the Entity Interact Event from the Entity Extension.
For this guide we will not be documentating how to create the npc please refer to the Entity Extension documentation for more information.
Starting the quest
To start the quest there are a lot of options. For this guide we will start the quest from a spoken but this can be anything you want. Please add a spoken to your sequence page.
Configuring the spoken
Inside the spoken please configure the following fields as following:
Display a animated message to the player
Please note the modifier used in this spoken will make the player track the quest because we are changing the value of the quests fact. This will always happen when you change the quest facts value.
Sequence result
Now your pages should look something like this:
- Tutorial Sequence
- Tutorial Static
- Tutorial Manifest
This is an interactive graph of all the entries in the selected pages.
You can view different pages by clicking on the tabs. Each page contains a view of the entries in that page.
Click on an entry to view its details.
Final result
Now you have created a quest that requires the player to gather 64 stone after clicking on the npc.