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 Warning: Beta Version
Version: Beta ⚠️
Difficulty: Normal

Custom Commands

 Before starting

This guide assumes that you have already installed the Basic Extension.

In this tutorial, you will learn about custom commands and how to create one. We will create a command where you can define a pseudo and an age to display a message to the player.

Creating a Custom Command

In this tutorial, we will create a command where you can define a pseudo and an age to display a message to the player. We will use a Custom Command Entry to start defining our command. To add a custom command entry, go to the top right corner of the panel and click on the + icon. Search for Add Custom Command, add it to your manifest and name it.

Add Custom Command
Create custom commands with parameters

Creating the arguments

Now, we will need two types of arguments; a Word Argument to get a word, in this case, the pseudo, and a Number Argument to get a number, in this case, the age. To add an argument, click on the Custom Command entry, then on Arguments, and select Add Word Argument. Next, click on the last argument and add a child: Add Number Argument.

Custom Command Arguments
Arguments Children
 Number Argument

Rename your arguments to make it easier for players to understand it when they will execute the command.

Do something with your command

Then, if you want your command to perform an action, add a Trigger to the last argument. So, in the Number Argument, click on Trigger and choose your action entry. In this case, we will use a Send Message entry. To retrieve what the player has entered in the arguments, we will use a Interaction Context Text Variable and add keys to it. Finally, we need to construct a message using the values retrieved from the arguments.

Interaction Context Text Variable


Sequence result

Now your pages should look something like this:

Interactive Graph

This is an interactive graph of all the entries in the selected pages.
You can view different pages by clicking on the tabs. Each page contains a view of the entries in that page.
Click on an entry to view its details.


Our documentation renderer doesn't currently support displaying dynamic variables, so you'll only see a simplified static message instead of the actual variable.

In Game result

In game, the command should look like this: