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Version: 0.5.1
Difficulty: Normal

Displaying Quests

Now that we've created our quest, we want to display it to the player. First, we need to track the quest.

Quest Tracking

Tracking a quest is for displaying the quest progress to the player. Other entries can use the tracked quest to display information to the player.

:::warning Important While many quests can be active at the same time, only one quest can be tracked at a time. :::

You can manually track a quest with the /tw quest track <quest_id> command. Or with the Track Quest Action entry.

Additionally, Typewriter will automatically track quests when the quest becomes active. Or when a objective becomes active and has a higher priority than the currently tracked quest.


There are a few custom placeholders that can be used to display information to the player.

%typewriter_tracked_quest%The name of the tracked quest.
%typewriter_tracked_objectives%A list of the objecteves of the tracked quest joined by a comma.

If Typewriter is managing your sidebar, you can use the Objective Lines Entry to display the objectives of the tracked quest.

A possible setup for the sidebar could be:

Interactive Graph

This is an interactive graph of all the entries in the selected pages.
You can view different pages by clicking on the tabs. Each page contains a view of the entries in that page.
Click on an entry to view its details.

Quest Status Changes

You can also display when a quest becomes active or is completed. Maybe by showing a title or particles.

A possible setup for this could be:

Interactive Graph

This is an interactive graph of all the entries in the selected pages.
You can view different pages by clicking on the tabs. Each page contains a view of the entries in that page.
Click on an entry to view its details.